
Friday, March 20, 2015



By Elizabeth D.
We say we’re sorry,
but do we mean it?
We say we repent,
but do we really?
Or are we just sorry we were caught?

How can forgiveness
come before repentance?
Is not repentance the key?
How can restoration
come before realization?
Can you fix what you cannot see?

Do not apologize
for misbehavior,
do not repent
of misdeeds,
without truly meaning it.

Forgiveness can come,
after true repentance.
A heartfelt plea from the soul.
Restoration can come,
after realization.

A Time to Change

A Time to Change

By Erin B.
A time to change
You say I have to change
But it’s not easy to do
You expect me to change

Well what about you
Time changes things, 
how far and how long will it take
But change can also heal old wounds

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Future, By Rachel S.

The Future 

By Rachel S.

I don’t know what my future will hold.
I don’t know if I’ll move or if I’ll stay.

I’m just a kid with dreams so bold,
I’m young and I’m so flawed.

I’m scared if what might happen,
What if I make a mistake??

Will the whole world explode if I slip and fall??

Then the still small voice of truth washes over me.
“I will direct your paths.”

My paths will be directed.
He has his hand upon my life.

If I mess up, he is still there for me.
If I walk through a dark valley, he will still be there for me.

When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
He will still be there with me.

So I will not fear.
Because he is with me both now and forevermore.

Held, By TreAnna B.

By TreAnna B.

I feel the crushing weight
of life slowly leeching
away my light. The light
You gave me to shine—
burning so brightly.


What good can I possibly do? I’m
only one. I’m only a girl. I don’t hold
the knowledge of those twice my age...

Yet I am held.

Doubt weighs me down. What
do you want me to do? I can’t...
I’m not...
I don’t possess these attributes.
At least...I don’t...think...

Yet I am held.

Temptations. Sparkling bits of sin
that draw me closer, closer, closer,
I can’t find my way out, I don’t
want to find my way out...

Yet I am held.

Held so tightly, tenderly
in hands scarred by my own
transgressions. Hands
that can bring back the light.

Hands that can crush the doubt.

Hands that can free me from temptations.

I am held.

To live is Christ and to die is Gain, By Sarah K.

To live is Christ and to die is Gain
By Sarah K.

“For to me

To live is Christ

And to die is gain.“

(Philippians 1:21)

Twelve simple words

Meaning so amazing!

So divine!

To live

To truly live

Is Christ

To be every moment

In His embrace

Surrounded by His

Deep, deep love

So high and low

Wide and deep…

His blessings

And trials

To make us shine bright

Ever brighter for Him.

I cannot comprehend

What to live as Christ means

It’s too wonderful for

Frail human me.

To die is gain!

No fear of death?

No last gasp of terror

Then onward to the unknown

Darkness beyond?


Onward to golden cities

No pain

No tears


The best part…

To be with Christ

To live and die

For Him

With Him

For if to live is Christ

Then to die is truly gain.

I Surrender, By Kaitlyn F.

I Surrender
By Kaitlyn F.

I look up.
Everywhere I look I see
Weapons surround me.
The opponent,
Stronger than a pack of lions.

All by myself.
No weapons,
No one to back me up.
But I have to fight,
For I can’t afford to lose.

The opponent knows well my weaknesses.
They bury me in ten feet of homework.
They yell worthless every time I miss a ball on the field.
They whisper that I will never be as good as anyone I look up to.
They stress me out to the point where I make myself sick.
But I can’t give in.
I fight and fight
But for every step forward,
I take ten steps back.
I back up farther and farther,
Until I am in a corner, stuck
But I continue to fight.

The opponent feeds on my fear.
They get stronger while I get weaker.
I am losing everything I have.
But I keep going and going
And going and


But then everything stops,
I see a hand reach down.
I look at the face of my savior.
"Take my hand" he says.
I take his hand.

We land in a nice clearing.
"What took you so long to surrender?"
"Why didn't you step in sooner?" I ask
"I would have but you were stuck in your ways.
You were persistent in fighting this battle.
But don't you know I have already won the war?"

I know feel guilty.
I can't do this all by myself.
I look up to see him fading.
"Wait what if I need you again?"

He smiles and says,
"For I am always with you.
All you need to do is surrender."
And with that he was gone,
But I felt him closer than ever.

I surrender.

My Call, By Erin B.

My call
By Erin B.

I called you

And you didn’t answer

Where are you?

I can’t find you

So tell me where you are

How far away are you

I reach for you

And I can’t feel you

Around me anymore

So reach for me

And I'll know you're near

The Day Things Got Better, By Erin B.

The Day Things Got Better
By Erin B.

I never lost hope that my daddy would one day get better and come home to us, because he is strong and loving. I had faith that God would not give up on him, or our family, and I was hopeful that my daddy would respond. That is why I wrote this poem - so that he knew he would know I never gave up on him, even when everyone was telling us to.

The day things got better

The day things changed was the day my dad got better

To this day I am so thankful for this change

My world has gone back to normal

My dad is my superhero, and I wouldn’t change that for the world

The Unspoken Connection, By Erin B.

The Unspoken Connection
By Erin B.

Yes, I know that I'm blessed because God helped me through the hardest times; when I lost the most important people in my life, God was there for me, but without Him, I wouldn't have made it through the hard times. So, this is easy for me to write about!

The unspoken connection

The days drag on

Till the connection is unspoken

I miss him everyday - I wish

I could’ve have given him one last hug and kiss

But I know I can talk to him whenever I want to - but I

Don't want to seem like I’m crazy

So I bottle it up and don't say anything, ever

And that's why I’m insecure

But there are days like today, where I feel happy.

The Mask, By Rachel S.

The Mask
By Rachel S.

Because of Halloween, I have been thinking about masks. The power behind them and the way that they affect our lives. And what I came to realize was that I wear a mask year round. Anyway, after a really long time of thinking about my mask, I wrote this.

I wear a mask
It hides my thoughts. My dreams. My plans.
It hides my pain. My longings.
Like a big piece of tape-my mask holds me together.

Like an anchor-it is dragging me.
Dragging me to the bottom of the deepest ocean.
All I have to do is let go.
But it’s not that easy.

I know- I must know- that if I don’t let go,
Let go of the lies I believe.
My mask will kill me.
But I don’t let go. I must hold on.

“My mask is very comfortable,” I tell myself.
When I wear it I know how my life will be.
I’ll have friends, I’ll be popular.
I’ll never be alone.

I’ve told myself my mask is comfortable.
I almost believe it now.
But it’s not.
It makes me lose sleep. It’s hot. It makes me sick.

My mask is slowly killing me.
It’s killing the very innermost parts of me,
Those always go first.
Or so I’ve heard.

My mask isn’t moving though.
Because it comforts me.
I suppose because I’ll know what each day will bring.
And that I’ll never be alone.

The truth that I don’t hear about my mask.
Is that with it on, I’m always alone.
That I’m dying.
My mask is killing me.

“Take it off,” I hear a voice say.
I turn to see a man.
His clothes are white.
Yet, soaked in blood.

I finger the mask. Longingly. Waveringly.

I Will Cling to You, By Maryann Y.

I Will Cling to You
By Maryann Y.

I know you're up there,
And that I am down here crying.
My heart is empty,
And the world keeps me from smiling.
But this is not the end....

Through all sufferings, I will cling to You,
Between all trials and all the tears,
I remember when with You, I flew
Upon the wings of eagles.
You are a God who hears.

Now I know You're with me;
I can run and not grow weary,
Fill my heart Lord Jesus
So that I will not be empty.
Through all sufferings, I will cling to You

Between all trials and all the tears
I remember when with You, I flew
Upon the wings of eagles
You are the God who hears
And I will worship You.

Cry of my Heart, By Sarah K.

Cry of my Heart
By Sarah K.

This is me calling out
Being honest like never before:
I’ve been wondering where
You went to.

It’s been such a long time
Since we last
I’ve been ignoring You…
Pretending You don’t exist.

What did I do wrong?
Why do You seem to hate me?
I keep begging You to tell me
What I ever did
To deserve all this pain.

This is the cry of my heart:
Are You still there?
Are You still listening?
Am I still that beloved child
You thought was special enough
To die for?

Are You really sure about this?
Why can’t it be different?
At the end of the day
I’m unsure where I stand…
And I hate it.

People keep saying
It’s all for my good,
But I just can’t look beyond
This moment.
By faith not by sight
Strong to the end
Angels watching over me
You promised.
Sometimes it’s hard to believe

I’m still here.
I’m still alive.
I’m stronger and better
And You’re by my side.

This is the cry of my heart:
Are You still there?
Are You still listening?
Am I still that beloved child
You thought was special enough
To die for?

…And You answered:

Following the King, By Rachel V.

Following the King
By Rachel V.

I am a princess of the King.
I will follow him and he will lead me.
I will follow him through the darkest shadows, and the blackest nights.
I will follow him through the deepest ocean, and the highest heights.
I will follow him through the bloodiest battles the world has ever seen.
I will follow him, and he will lead me.

When I feel afraid, maybe stray away,
He will lead me back to the path that is right.
When the path gets dark, when my faith starts to disembark, he will be my light.
He is my savior, because he freed me from my sins, so I will follow my beloved King.


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