
Thursday, August 14, 2014

For Coming to die, for Making me Whole

For Coming to die, for Making me Whole

By Rebecca U.

Jesus, You came from heaven, a perfect place
Where you sat by Your Father's side
You came to earth, the sinful earth to die
You suffered here on earth
Grew up as a normal boy except for one thing,
You were perfect.

Thank you Jesus for coming to die
Thank you Jesus for saving my soul
Thank you Jesus for making me whole
Thank you for loving me

You spent thirty years on this earth
You told so many about Yourself
You healed people and did so many miracles
Yet a man who pretended to be your friend sold you into death

Thank you Jesus for coming to die
Thank you Jesus for saving my soul
Thank you Jesus for making me whole
Thank you for loving me

When you were taken by the soldiers
You did not resist
When you were beaten you said not a word
You could have called thousands of angels to come rescue you
But you didn't because if you had I wouldn't be free

Thank you Jesus for coming to die
Thank you Jesus for saving my soul
Thank you Jesus for making me whole
Thank you for loving me

While you were on the cross
You forgave the people who were killing you
Saying "Forgive them for they don't know what they're doing"
Then you called "It is finished" and you died as all our sins were washed away

Thank you Jesus for coming to die
Thank you Jesus for saving my soul
Thank you Jesus for making me whole
Thank you for loving me

You were buried in a borrowed tomb
But you did not stay dead
You rose again on the third day
Then ascended into heaven and now sit at the right hand of Your Father God

Thank you Jesus for coming to die
Thank you Jesus for saving my soul
Thank you Jesus for making me whole
Thank you for loving me

I come to my knees broken before you
I don't know why you suffered for me
But I'm glad you did
I'm so thankful that you loved me a sinner like me

Thank you Jesus for coming to die
Thank you Jesus for saving my soul
Thank you Jesus for making me whole
Thank you for loving me

Girls, this Easter remember what Jesus did on Calvary. Think about what He suffered for you and me! Thank Jesus for dying for our sins. If you haven't trusted Jesus as your savior then what are you waiting for? Ask Him into your heart now. Just confess that you are a sinner and believe that Jesus is God's Son and that He died for you. If you have and questions about salvation or your Christian walk then talk to someone. Maybe your parents or a pastor or other adult at your church. Or any of us here on Godly Girls For God would love to talk to you about salvation and the Christian walk.


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